Coffee stories


2020 has been a ……year. A strange year? A different year? I let you complete the adjective that suits you best. But what I can say about myself is that it has been a year full of new experiences and learning that made me discover many new sides of myself which I am very grateful for.

And I want to thank all those of you who have been part of my journey in 2020…I am finishing off the year with this small artistic project which has grown out of a series of coincidences which makes it all the more beautiful and magic in a way !

While the world is still struggling to build back better after the pandemic, I have decided to take action myself and make a small contribution to the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals – by starting in my own neighbourhood! This project brings together some of the topics that I really care about, such as sustainable food, women entrepreneurs and culture.

Yolanda Valero and her sister have created their own coffee brand “Bluebell” collaborating with organic family farms in Latin America and I decided to give it away as a Christmas present to my family, friends and clients this year. Coffee is so more than just a drink – coffee is communication, coffee is feeling at home, coffee is energy….Many of you shared their coffee stories with me in these past weeks and I have asked Valencian illustrator Anneta Santecreu to summarise them in this visual.

So, I wish you all the best for 2021 – and I look forward to “brewing” new projects together!

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